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Showing posts from October, 2014

Carrier sense multiple access-technicalfundaezy

for more details                 Carrier sense multiple access                 1.To minimize the chance of collision and hence increases the performance .                 2.carrier sense multiple access requires that each station first listen to the medium before                     sending.              consider one example :-At time tl, station B senses the medium and finds it idle, so it sends a               frame. At time t2 (t2 > tl), station C senses the medium and finds it idle because, at this time,              the first bits from station B have not reached station C. Station C also sends a frame. The two              signals collide and both frames a...


         What is C-Preprocessor      Preprocessor is a program that processes our source program before it is passed to the to compiler.        Features  Of  C-processor   There are several step involved from the stage of writing a C program to the stage of getting it      executed.The combination of these steps is known as the ' Build Process '.At this stage it would be  sufficient to note that before a C program is compiled it is passed through another program called  'Preprocessor'.The C program is often know as 'Source Code'.The preprocessor work on the source code and creates 'Expanded Source Code'.If the source code is stored in a file 'PR.C' ,then the expended sourced code stored in a file 'PR.I'. It is this expanded source code that is sent to the compiler for compilation.

Merge Sort-technicalfundaezy

       what is merge sort:- Merge sort is a sorting technique uses divide and conquer policy to sort an array .This sort uses a process called "Simple Merge ". Simple merge process:- given an array of n element and given three position f,s and t such that all element from a[f] to a[s-1] are sorted and all element from a[s] to a[t] are also sorted .we want to merge all element from f to t so that all element from f to t are sorted .process of merging two sorted partitions is called simple merge .